Review: A Court Of Mist And Fury
A Court Of Mist And Fury
by Sarah J. MaasMy rating: ✰✰✰✰✰
Nor has Feyre forgotten her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court. As Feyre navigates its dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms--and she might be key to stopping it. But only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future--and the future of a world cleaved in two.
With more than a million copies sold of her beloved Throne of Glass series, Sarah J. Maas's masterful storytelling brings this second book in her seductive and action-packed series to new heights.
Okay. [minor spoilers ahead, in my opinion, they don't spoil major plot points or anything]
I'm trying to pour out all my feelings coherently. I don't think it's working. CUT ME SOME SLACK, BOOK HANGOVERS ARE HARD. (Spoilers don't really matter, because most of the spoilers I allude to in this review are kind of obvious from reading like 10 pages of the book...ANYWAY.)
I really really really hope you realized that I LOVED THIS BOOK. A Court Of Mist And Fury is a thing of beauty and darkness and ravaging and freedom and finding out who your true friends are. I think it is absolute magnificence.
First of all, the ROMANCE. BE STILL MY OTP HEART. I have to say, I was a Feysand shipper since Day 1, when Feyre met him at Calanmai and was like, "YO. HOTTEST DUDE EVER. STANDING RIGHT THERE. HE SAVED ME. OML." (I mean she was still loyal to Tamlin at that point, so...) BUT NEVERTHELESS. I was still like, "YO! SUPER HOT DUDE WHO HAS A DAMN GOOD HEART AND SAVED YOUR LIFE. HE'S A KEEPER." And then she stuck with Tamlin over ACOTAR.
What's great about Rhysand is that he really RESPECTED Feyre's space and independence. I saw this post on tumblr and it went something like: "Ianthe: try on this pretty dress! // Feyre: ok // Tamlin: stay at home ok? // Feyre: i guess. i lost something // Tamlin: what? // Feyre: my will to live // Ianthe: ok but still try on this dress." Very definitive of the first chapter. As you know, Feyre is not one to be coddled like that but she WAS. The Spring Court all treated her like she was so fragile, and couldn't handle the pain and traumatization! They kind of had it right on that last part, but keeping her indoors as if she was in a cage definitely wasn't helping! Anyway, she finally snaps, and Rhysand whisks her away.
Now I want to talk about something before I begin talking about the magic that is Rhysand (I know you want it but PATIENCE CHILD). During Feyre's time at the Spring Court, that whole first section of the book, I kept thinking that Sarah J. Maas was writing in a weird style. There was something about the writing. It was kind of clipped, in a feverish way. It was very subtle, but I think it represented the bewilderedness and anxiety of Feyre being cooped up with no one to properly help her recover from Amarantha and becoming High Fae without expressly stated consent. (AND NO I WASN'T FLAILING ON GOODREADS ABOUT HOW I WAS VERY CONFUZZLED BY THE WRITING STYLE AT FIRST NO NO I WASN'T I WAS COOL AND CALM ABOUT IT YESSIREE)

About the difference between Tamlin and Rhysand: while I don't want to get too into detail, there is one key difference: one acknowledges his actions, and one doesn't! Also, Tamlin has some pretty shady history! His hands are NOT clean - quite the opposite in fact! I love that SJM took off the sugar coating from his character, showing us the harsh truth that contrary to what most YA novels might want to tell you, the first love interest is NOT always going to be the love of your life. This is a theme in SJM's other series Throne Of Glass, too! The protagonist doesn't stay with the first guy forever. Feyre fell in love with Tamlin because he was there at the right place in the right time for her love. He rescued her at a very low time for her and her family. Imagine starving, and not having enough money to buy any. BOOM. You hunt a wolf, and later a hot Fae comes over and is gruff at first, then reveals that he's good and caring for our family's every whim. Wouldn't you fall in love with him too? But there are always different sides to the story!
I really really really liked the overall story. There were so many careful details that were just naturally tossed in, like a childhood memory, or a nursemaid someone once had, that totally added and made a difference in how masterfully this writing was done. ACOMAF was so elegantly crafted, and while I am a fan of Sarah J. Maas, I was not expecting the level of goodness this book is! There are SO many new backstories and flashbacks and details that are revealed about all of the characters' pasts (and some hidden as a premonition!) that just tie the story together. [Show spoiler] ACOTAR was definitely the beginning of character development and plotline, while ACOMAF is the FLESH of the story. I definitely recommend this to anyone that doubted this trilogy by judging ACOTAR only! Will it get better in book 3? I sure hope so! While you wait, I totally love this fic of what someone wrote as their personal book 3! TRUE DEDICATION, Y'ALL. There's like forty chapters!
{hahahahahahahahahahaaha people who do WORK. and COMMITMENT. who has time for that? haha jk I AM NOT GOOD AT FOCUSING I'M SORRY}
ANYWAY. I really love that Feyre isn't a lovestruck maiden (like she kinda was with Tamlin at first because DUH - hot fae warrior dude with a huge dilemma of getting a human chick to fall for him to save the kingdom?? FORBIDDEN LOVE ANGST STORY ALERT) in ACOTAR, because she's survived horrible experiences (Amarantha ahem ahem) and has been through a couple toxic relationships already. At least she learns. She doesn't clamber instantly for the love of a dude (like those YA protagonists who jump from one dude to the next). SHE TAKES TIME TO KNOW HIM AS A FRIEND FIRST. Important stuff, ladies! Feyre is actually fine subsisting on her own and being independent - who needs men? Yes, Rhysand DID help her a bunch after her traumatic Tamlin situation, but all in all, she really just needed to get away from him. Everyone needs guiding/rescuing sometimes.
I really really enjoyed the friendship and Inner Circle dynamics of this book. Rhysand had LADIES in his inner, most trusted circle of warriors and friends! Amren and Mor totally SLAYED. They're total examples that you can keep going and living your life even if something very disturbing happens to you - even if you haven't been able to go back to your beloved home in a LONG time. I think they're great people to have around Feyre, and be her badass lady squad! Nesta and Elain, Feyre's sisters, are like the moon and sun. Nesta is stark, stoic, and strong to protect her loved ones. Elain is gentle and lovely, but will still fight as hard as she can to do what it takes for what she loves. Cassian (golden dude) and Azriel (brooding shadow dude) are both incredible as well! They have very distinct personalities and harbor loves for certain people. Rhysand is just very well developed - so damn sexy and flirty and HEART EYES GALORE. He is partly this cold High Lord who does what has to be done to keep of the pretense to protect his people and what he loves. He is also a very kind, loyal guy who openly loves and protects Velaris and the Illyrians. Ah, the Illyrians. You can tell that the flying Illyrian warriors treasure they wings above anything. Whenever someone tortures them, it will be hurting their wings that breaks their strong spirits. And who can blame them? Illyrian fae get majestic, powerful, beautiful wings that take them places, soaring where others cannot. The breathless thrill of the wind on their faces, flying free.... Wings are very valuable.
{side note: this is a more mature novel compared to normal YA! SEXY TIMES! some NSFW scenes!}
{other side note: i would make a moodboard for this story since it was so awesome with imagery, but i'm not talented enough with finding images. i would also write poetry to describe feysand's eternal love, but also not poetic enough!}
{side note 3: i don't wanna be mainstream and like this so much (EW WHY IS THERE SO MUCH HYPE I MEAN IT DESERVES IT BUT I WANNA KEEP IT ALL TO MYSELF I'M SELFISH I KNOW BUT I DON'T LIKE BEING MAINSTREAM OK I LIKE BEING SPECIAL), but Sarah truly made a gem of a novel. [clapping hands emoji here] 👏}
{side note 4: ew how long was this post? VERY. y'all should just implore me to write you guys monologues or something. they'll be dramatic and freaky and flailing and you'll love it.}

I read the first book - ACOTAR - and yes, it was good, but at this stage, it's starting to feel like a one trick pony. There's only so much Maas can milk this fantasy/kickass-heroine cow before it starts to moo in distress (wait what?). Feyre is starting to become that girl from that other story who is pretty cool too - erm, Celaena or something. The male love interests are all starting to blend together into one nameless hunk. I think I'm going to stop at ACOTAR before I become any more confused and disillusioned between crossing over plots and characters. Did you have this problem too? (It doesn't help that it's been ages since I read both.)
ReplyDelete(Seriously, commenting on your blog is killing me - it keeps logging me out and JUST NOT WORKING.)
Thank god, it's working.
DeleteOnly took me 300 goes
DeleteHaha I APPRECIATE YOUR HARD WORK. I can see how you would form this opinion, and truly, I agree! The nice thing about this trilogy is that Feyre is still learning her powers I guess, while Celaena sprang into her story with a buttload of assassin skills! I don't like the ToG series nearly as much as ACOMAF, but yes - Maas is definitely milking it! That's why I poured all of my cuddly feelings into a review for this book. I don't usually review books I have a problem with, BECAUSE CUSS WORDS. Lots. ANYWAY. :)
DeleteI've actually have read good things about this book! But I have this problem where my hype tend to decrease knowing that the next book would be out by next year. But I'll still try to read this one! Anw, will this be a trilogy? How many books will be in the series? :)
WOW! Wonderful and extensive review. Im so glad you enjoyed this one too! I loved the characterization, world-building, and plot development, and the ROMANCE!! *swoons* This just might be my favorite SJM book EVER.
ReplyDeleteRachel @ A Perfection Called Books
Good review! I LOVE your design.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog? Maybe?
I am dying to read this book! I have it queued up for my summer tbr and I really hope that the book gods are on my side. I am so thrilled to see that you have enjoyed it so much. Thank you for sharing! :)
ReplyDeleteYAS YAS MOOD BOARDS. <3 Honestly I don't know how I manage to coerce my inner fangirl to not making all the moodboards for everything I flail over?? IDK SOMEDAY IT'LL PROBABLY ALL COME OUT AND BE VERY AWESOME.
ReplyDeleteAlso I was cracking up at this dialogue: "ok but still try on this dress." XD PRECIOUs
Great review, I'm so glad you enjoyed this one as much as I did! The book hangover after this was STRONG, it was just so amazing I didn't want to start another book right away :P I also was always a huge fan of Rhysand. My ships always sail in Maas books *evil laughter*
ReplyDeleteI am 100% behind the OTP in this series and ACOMAF is my favourite of all of SJM's books. I think that Feyre/Rhysand's relationship is one of the most pitch perfect develop I have seen in fantasy in a long while, and I felt so much for them as well as the rest of the Night Court. I NEED to know that they are OK by the end of Book 3, which can't come out soon enough!
ReplyDeleteAentee at Read at Midnight
(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)