
Helen's Weekly Exploits #1!!

by - 10:17 PM


This weekly exploits post is a post about my week! Blogging has always seemed like a way of posting about what's going on in your life, and I feel like my blog hasn't been doing much of that lately. (Or rather - much of anything haha; I've been AWOL but I'm back!!) Posting only reviews is great and all, but I want to share some things about myself as well. Totally not just an excuse to blabber on about myself... Also, I have done posts like this before, but I went back and read through them; I am... taken aback. 10/10 would NOT recommend.


How Was My Week?

Slightly shitty.
I had school, as usual, and then I had Winter Sing on Friday! That's my school's winter performance thing where we sing songs as classes or chorale. We weren't bad, just all the good singers graduated? Anyway, that was,,, interesting.
Yesterday, Saturday, I had two choir concerts! It was exhausting but I'm glad it's over so I don't have to worry about it! Also, holiday cheer and all that!

I made a holiday moodboard to spread holiday cheer! Also if you like The Raven Boys, I wrote a "cute" holiday fanfiction story (for an English assignment).

This Blog

I've been busy remaking this blog and some of the code/CSS/HTML is really frustrating me and I want to TEAR MY HAIR OUT UGHH
Blogger really makes me want to move to easily formatted, regularly functioning Wordpress sometimes. However, I really like customizing my blog and Wordpress doesn't offer that unless you pay for it! Rip


I really do think my music taste has progressed since last year (when I started this blog) (oh dear I missed my one-year anniversary). Last year, I was delving into indie music, and now I am a certified music snob! I really love indie folk because it's really calming; movie soundtracks are also amazing because they're meant to be played peacefully in the background, you know? I still like pop music, and indie pop especially. I'm that person who gets personally offended when an unknown indie pop gem gets released onto mainstream radio?? and?? it?? ruins?? it?? Also radios usually slightly speed up songs to keep on schedule and fit in ads - it is annoying to no end. At least I don't have perfect pitch - oh god that'd be terrible.
Anyway, I'm gonna link some of my playlists here:

(for the rainy days)

(for the classical magic days)

(for the vibe-filled days)

(for the peaceful days)

(for the chill days)

That's ... basically it for this post!! Thanks for reading!

How was your week?

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  1. Oh man, I remember when I had my old blog on blogger and trying to make it look nice. So much frustration. You're doing a fantastic job though! The blog is so gorgeous.

    I'm going to have to check out some of these playlists of yours!

    My weeks been pretty boring. It's hot (Aussie Christmas usual yay -_-) and I've been inside a lot playing games and neglecting books haha

    1. AHhh thank you so much! I doubt my blog is gorgeous (it's pretty glitchy actually haha) but thank you! <3

  2. THAT AESTHETIC IS SO BEAUTIFUL, I CAN'T EVEN <3 <3 I participate in choirs too! *high fives* Seriously those playlists are also amazing! You have great taste in music :)
    Prabhleen @ Booksarelife987

    1. Oh my gosh thank you so much! Also omg we must have a lot in common! <3

  3. I am in love with your mood board! I have also been trying to come up with something a little more bloggy for my blog. I am not sure I have found the right groove, but it will take time to develop, I guess. I like your approach for this feature. It is so upbeat and fun. Awesome music choices!! :)

    1. Ahhhh thank you!! I actually really love your blog and I'm sure anything you come up with will be amazing <3

  4. I read your Raven Boys story and it was so cute! I liked the way you included original quotes from the books in there, as well. And canon Pynch! *sighs dreamily*

    I have ZERO coding knowledge, but I also got super bored with the confinements of free WordPress, which is why I moved to paid. But I think your blog is lovely! And even though I have heard Blogger horror stories it IS free, and there's so much more freedom than free WordPress.

    Indie folk music is my favourite type of music! I will definitely have to give these playlists a listen. Have you ever heard Ben Howard? He is my all time favourite <3

  5. Hmmmm...
    you'll have a lot
    moe ZERO coding Upstairs.
    Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.


(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Helen's Weekly Exploits #1!!


This weekly exploits post is a post about my week! Blogging has always seemed like a way of posting about what's going on in your life, and I feel like my blog hasn't been doing much of that lately. (Or rather - much of anything haha; I've been AWOL but I'm back!!) Posting only reviews is great and all, but I want to share some things about myself as well. Totally not just an excuse to blabber on about myself... Also, I have done posts like this before, but I went back and read through them; I am... taken aback. 10/10 would NOT recommend.


How Was My Week?

Slightly shitty.
I had school, as usual, and then I had Winter Sing on Friday! That's my school's winter performance thing where we sing songs as classes or chorale. We weren't bad, just all the good singers graduated? Anyway, that was,,, interesting.
Yesterday, Saturday, I had two choir concerts! It was exhausting but I'm glad it's over so I don't have to worry about it! Also, holiday cheer and all that!

I made a holiday moodboard to spread holiday cheer! Also if you like The Raven Boys, I wrote a "cute" holiday fanfiction story (for an English assignment).

This Blog

I've been busy remaking this blog and some of the code/CSS/HTML is really frustrating me and I want to TEAR MY HAIR OUT UGHH
Blogger really makes me want to move to easily formatted, regularly functioning Wordpress sometimes. However, I really like customizing my blog and Wordpress doesn't offer that unless you pay for it! Rip


I really do think my music taste has progressed since last year (when I started this blog) (oh dear I missed my one-year anniversary). Last year, I was delving into indie music, and now I am a certified music snob! I really love indie folk because it's really calming; movie soundtracks are also amazing because they're meant to be played peacefully in the background, you know? I still like pop music, and indie pop especially. I'm that person who gets personally offended when an unknown indie pop gem gets released onto mainstream radio?? and?? it?? ruins?? it?? Also radios usually slightly speed up songs to keep on schedule and fit in ads - it is annoying to no end. At least I don't have perfect pitch - oh god that'd be terrible.
Anyway, I'm gonna link some of my playlists here:

(for the rainy days)

(for the classical magic days)

(for the vibe-filled days)

(for the peaceful days)

(for the chill days)

That's ... basically it for this post!! Thanks for reading!

How was your week?


  1. Oh man, I remember when I had my old blog on blogger and trying to make it look nice. So much frustration. You're doing a fantastic job though! The blog is so gorgeous.

    I'm going to have to check out some of these playlists of yours!

    My weeks been pretty boring. It's hot (Aussie Christmas usual yay -_-) and I've been inside a lot playing games and neglecting books haha

    1. AHhh thank you so much! I doubt my blog is gorgeous (it's pretty glitchy actually haha) but thank you! <3

  2. THAT AESTHETIC IS SO BEAUTIFUL, I CAN'T EVEN <3 <3 I participate in choirs too! *high fives* Seriously those playlists are also amazing! You have great taste in music :)
    Prabhleen @ Booksarelife987

    1. Oh my gosh thank you so much! Also omg we must have a lot in common! <3

  3. I am in love with your mood board! I have also been trying to come up with something a little more bloggy for my blog. I am not sure I have found the right groove, but it will take time to develop, I guess. I like your approach for this feature. It is so upbeat and fun. Awesome music choices!! :)

    1. Ahhhh thank you!! I actually really love your blog and I'm sure anything you come up with will be amazing <3

  4. I read your Raven Boys story and it was so cute! I liked the way you included original quotes from the books in there, as well. And canon Pynch! *sighs dreamily*

    I have ZERO coding knowledge, but I also got super bored with the confinements of free WordPress, which is why I moved to paid. But I think your blog is lovely! And even though I have heard Blogger horror stories it IS free, and there's so much more freedom than free WordPress.

    Indie folk music is my favourite type of music! I will definitely have to give these playlists a listen. Have you ever heard Ben Howard? He is my all time favourite <3

  5. Hmmmm...
    you'll have a lot
    moe ZERO coding Upstairs.
    Follow us to Seventh-Heaven.


(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)