A BIG Mush Pot

I figured out this thing where you don't actually deviate from what your blog post is supposed to about. Yes. Progress, Helen, PROGRESS! I mean, this post and its title is probably the worst one to start from, but whatever. I have to get some feelings out. I'm cautioning you. Get ready for a load of GREATNESS!
Cassandra Clare - What She's Keeping From Us
I will summarize these 2 articles for you: Cassandra Clare is not who we idolize her to be. She cyber-bullies, she gets her publishers to cover up her mistakes, and she plagiarizes, etc. etc. Honestly, I cannot believe it. And it explains a lot - it makes total sense. Valentine and his Circle? AHEM VOLDEMORT ALERT. Oh, Cassandra Clare. Or should I say, Cassandra Claire? Or Judith Rumelt?My Music Aspirations
I've always thought I was born in the wrong decade. Don't get me wrong, I love Taylor Swift, Twenty One Pilots, and Halsey and all (I feel like Lana Del Rey isn't considered exactly 21st century style), but I think I'd really like to be in that Britney Spears-esque part of the 90's (and before that). I definitely appreciate technology, though, even if it turns us into complete zombies with nothing better to do at home sometimes. Isn't it amazing that everyone can be connected and communicate within seconds? I am totally a 21st century girl this way. But man, music was, well I have to say, better back then. Or at least easier to find good music mainstream. I am incredibly disappointed in a lot of the popular music. I can't complain, though, since some of it is infuriatingly catchy even if the quality is iffy.What I really would want is to be one of those cultured 25-year-olds who are like, "Yeah I totally saw Fall Out Boy in concert 10 years ago. Their old music was better, but 'Uma Thurman' is pretty good." Or one of those people on 8tracks who have great playlists accumulated over time, including random but great artists that totally don't seem to fit together but just do.
Some people are just like, "Oh yeah Of Monsters And Men were great. So were Foo Fighters and Arctic Monkeys. Oh, old times were great." I think I just want good music taste in general. Oh well. I'll be one of those people one day.
Book Reviews
My posting is totally irregular - it'll be explained below. If people somehow actually happen across my blog and like it (God forbid - what are you thinking?) and stick around, they might notice my book reviews posted on Goodreads. I have decided to post reviews on this blog (this a big step!) and then repost on Goodreads (I don't actually know how - I'll look it up).However, I have realized that reviews from other people make me totally biased for my own reviews. If you're a reader, reviews are pretty useful. If you trust the reviewer's judgement and think it's pretty similar to yours, cool. You have found a blog that you are going to follow! That always makes a blogger's day, especially one that's just starting out like me (WINK WINK). But if you're a book reviewer/blogger that's a beginner (more world-weathered ones probably know this), reading other reviews, especially strongly pushing ones (some people are passionate, man!), trust me. NOT A GOOD IDEA. You will become biased, and adapt their feelings as your own - some are very persuasive...
Why I Don't Trust Astronomy/Zodiac Signs And Horoscope Gibberish
Zodiac signs and etc. are very overrated. They're so detailed that you often believe them - like the topic above, you can adapt to whatever it tells you. Say you're a Capricorn (like me) - it lists off a bunch of qualities that you are likely to have. There are so many that you are likely to have at least one in common (or more; luck is seriously a player in this). I do agree that it can very easily seem a lot like you. Mine says I'm ambitious (for one). I am not very ambitious. Yes, I do have great hopes for myself in the future, but I wouldn't go so far as to use ambitious to define my personality. I'm actually pretty easy-going. My point is, if something like zodiac signs tells you what you are, you will immediately find all the aspects you have in common with what it's saying. I'm telling you what I think - It's total BS.Basically, if you're into that super-accurate Myers Brigg test thing, I'm an ENFP. Some famous ENFPs are Peeta Mellark from THG, and Carrie Bradshaw from Sex And The City! I'm very independent (well I just hate relying on others). I think this thing is much more accurate than zodiac signs or whatever!
First of all, let me say this: Tumblr is addicting.But it's totally fabulous! So many kind and cool people are on there, and you can find fans and spectacular edits of pretty much any known fandom on there. But a big problem for me: Unless you make edits or do something with your own skills (for the ones that have any), you won't get much exposure to potential followers. And it's so hard to make permanent friends and such!
But at the core of my frustration, it's honestly the fact that I have realized that the people who have lots of followers on Tumblr deserve it, and I, with really nothing to contribute, DON'T. That's a realization that will always haunt me - curse my justified brain!
My Brain
*read in cool accent* My brain is odd. Everyone's brain is odd. Mine happens to be an editor brain. It can't write for shit, but sees the flaws in writing after it's done. Methinks my brain will be an editor one day.Basically, how I know this is that I'm constantly reading writing of my classmates (they suck at writing) and critiquing them. They kinda hate me for it. :/ I've tried to cut back, so whenever I see a horrible line of writing that makes NO SENSE, I just turn my head and cringe, instead of what I would've done otherwise: cringe to their face and tell them (relatively nicely) how they could change it. Needless to say, people don't always appreciate that from someone like me.
Another aspect is I get an explosion of ideas while I'm playing piano (seriously - I recommend taking up piano lessons, because it's GREAT for brainstorming once you get the hang of it) and then I can totally mentally elaborate on a subject I feel very passionately about but then later I can't remember ANYTHING. It sucks. I've started writing them down, but *starts tearing up a little* the inspiration hits only once!
I also know this because I can't write for shit. That is bolded because really - I CAN'T. It's horrible, but when it comes to writing something, it never turns out right and I never like it. Oh well. ("Oh well" usually means not that I'm giving up, but rather that I don't want to depress myself further by thinking of a subject.)
So many ideas, so little blogging time! This is the product of me writing all my ideas down - A BIG MUSH POT OF A POST. I need to get myself together....
My Problem With Lifestyle Blogs
Like the title says, I have a problem with lifestyle/style/fashion blogs. They're always so peppy and "chic" and the photos are so filtered that I cringe. Plus, I DON'T REALLY GIVE A SHIT. I mean, some people do, but not me. Some people might care about what you ate for breakfast and why _____ brand of pressed juice is WAY better than _____ brand.I know I'm being very opinionated on this, but I am just stating why I don't like lifestyle blogs that much.
Amber from The Mile Long Bookshelf clued me into the first Cassandra Clare "thing" over a year ago. The one where she got kicked off Wattpad for plagerizing someone's fanfic to write City of Bones. When the fanfic author said she was going to sue Clare, Clare basically said, go ahead because I can afford to hire a lot of lawyers and you can't. When I saw people talking about her and plagerizing again, I thought it was the Wattpad thing resurfacing, but it was as new one! I am glad I didn't care for her books. I will have to check out the links above.
ReplyDeleteYeah! I think she took her own fanfic to write CoB, but plagiarizing someone else's is worse! Unless it's that Darkhunters series - that one I don't think makes much sense, but Clare has not had pure morals in the world for a while. She was on Wattpad?! How odd! I haven't heard of that! Thanks for commenting anyway!
DeleteI'm obsessed with this post.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE getting into peoples heads and seeing what and how they feel about things and although I DON'T like Lifestyle blogs either I enjoy this sort of thing (where I get to hear about what you like/dislike and think).
(firstly, (unrelated) I'm loving your blog)And YES. Reviews. Sometimes my own make me cringe. I feel SO opinionated when I read them back to myself and to make matters worse I don't post any negative reviews because I feel they could influence readers to not read those books so I ALWAYS sound SO positive in my blog. I swear it's almost like I'm always a bubbly unicorn who only eats ice cream. *face palm*
THANK YOU! These type posts are always rumbling about in my head.... now that I re-read the lifestyle part, I realize I sound INCREDIBLY bitchy. I will change that - I want to be nice! Lifestyle blogs are just a topic that endlessly fascinates me by how people actually like them!
DeleteThanks for being so nice! Your definitely ARE a bubbly unicorn who not only eats ice cream, but eats jelly beans too! :)
(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)