
The Hows & Whys Of Me Vs. The 100

by - 1:27 PM

Okay, soooooo guess what?! I'm starting my own feature on this blog called Me Vs. The World! If I accumulate enough posts, I'll put that on my nav bar so it's super official and stuff! Honestly, it's just me having opinionated opinions about stuff in the world that I feel like I'm kind of a minority in (like this post - everyone I know seems to love The 100) and justifying the hows and whys of me coming to feel this way.

^^ I feel like that was a run-on sentence but it serves its purpose!

First of all, let me put this out there: I SHIP BELLARKE.

Honestly, they have so much chemistry, and even I, an apathetic unicorn, felt it. AND I only watched Season 1 (I know, shame on me, but BLAME NETFLIX THAT WAS ALL THEY HAD AT THE TIME.)

Something I really liked about the show was how well it was written. It was very thought out, and the dialogue was definitely what you would expect in their situation (I would die of fear - really I cannot handle not knowing where I am or what's going to happen; I am a very huge cowardly person). They are all very brave people in there - just from Season 1, there was torturing, shooting, weird Grounder people who were out to get them, etc. etc. IT WAS SCARY, MAN. And I only got through it because I didn't have anything else to watch, really, and I like some intensity. Remember, I watched S1 a little over a year ago! BEFORE I found How To Get Away With Murder, because HTGAWM had a horrible banner and a boring blurb so I only started watching it because of the lovely Sasha @ A Book Utopia and her YouTube channel! I pretty much sealed my devotion for her right there and then! (GREAT TASTE)

But getting to the point - I do not watch The 100 anymore, even though pretty much everyone I worship online does. The reasons:

  • Netflix didn't have Season 2.
  • By the time I realized I had Xfinity TV (gosh, I probablykiss that thing once a day - IT'S BEAUTIFUL), it was on Season 3 already; Season 2 wasn't even available On Demand anymore (TAKING BACK KISSES) and I had to pay. If you didn't know already, I am a broke bunny.
  • It was, er, a little too scary, if you know what I mean. I'm the kind of girl who doesn't get nightmares, but still gets really freaked out by shows like The 100 because she hates when anything jumps out at her suddenly. (Also gets freaked out by books like The 5th Wave because the 1st wave hit a little too close to home - half a million people died just because the electricity went out.)

Basically, the point of this post is to tell you that The 100 is an amazing show for people who aren't scaredy-cats like me. Really. The cast all aren't afraid to get gritty and dirty and bloody, and I really admire that. Also, there's a lot of interesting relationships between the characters, as well as a lot of risk-taking and sometimes backstabbing. And this is all coming just from my observations on Tumblr and watching only Season 1! So if you're a normal person, watch it if you haven't already. Plus, you know there's someone out there like you if you do get freaked out - we can freak out together! :)

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  1. I love this show! And I ship Bellarke so much! But you're right, if you are a person that gets kind of scared easily, you shouldn't watch this, because it only gets worse after season 1.

    BTW, I tried to follow you on bloglovin, but it didn't let me, it said the page couldn't be found:(

    Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess

    1. Yeppp. My best friend watches it, and I don't understand how she doesn't go off screaming. Oh well.
      And I'm so sorry for the Bloglovin' thing! I'm totally going to fix that soon! Thanks for trying to follow me, it's definitely the thought that counts! :)

  2. See, I'm an odd duckling - I don't ship Bellarke! I, too have only seen the first season, so maybe something in the second season will change my mind (...whenever I get around to watching it. This show is intense and I'm not always up for that. And definitely noooooo watching before bed because I DO get nightmares rather easily). In fact, I don't really get any swoons...except for Jasper/Monty. They need to be a couple. They are adorable and by far my favourite characters. It's a hard life always loving side characters the most haha

    1. JasperxMonty is totally a ship I would get behind! I agree - loving side characters is hard, especially if they're bound to get killed in a show like The 100. Or who knows? Maybe they kill off Clarke and leave the side characters? I heard that Clarke meets this Lexa (Alicia Debnam-Carey)? girl in season 2..... What if you ship them? The 100 is an interesting show, for sure!

  3. Beeeellllllaaaarrrrkkkkeeeee!!!!! I'm currently trying to catch up on season three and I definitely see where you're coming from. Everyone's getting stabbed and radiation mutations and it can get pretty gross at times. (Also, while season two was better than season one, season three has been really lacking for me.)


(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Hows & Whys Of Me Vs. The 100

Okay, soooooo guess what?! I'm starting my own feature on this blog called Me Vs. The World! If I accumulate enough posts, I'll put that on my nav bar so it's super official and stuff! Honestly, it's just me having opinionated opinions about stuff in the world that I feel like I'm kind of a minority in (like this post - everyone I know seems to love The 100) and justifying the hows and whys of me coming to feel this way.

^^ I feel like that was a run-on sentence but it serves its purpose!

First of all, let me put this out there: I SHIP BELLARKE.

Honestly, they have so much chemistry, and even I, an apathetic unicorn, felt it. AND I only watched Season 1 (I know, shame on me, but BLAME NETFLIX THAT WAS ALL THEY HAD AT THE TIME.)

Something I really liked about the show was how well it was written. It was very thought out, and the dialogue was definitely what you would expect in their situation (I would die of fear - really I cannot handle not knowing where I am or what's going to happen; I am a very huge cowardly person). They are all very brave people in there - just from Season 1, there was torturing, shooting, weird Grounder people who were out to get them, etc. etc. IT WAS SCARY, MAN. And I only got through it because I didn't have anything else to watch, really, and I like some intensity. Remember, I watched S1 a little over a year ago! BEFORE I found How To Get Away With Murder, because HTGAWM had a horrible banner and a boring blurb so I only started watching it because of the lovely Sasha @ A Book Utopia and her YouTube channel! I pretty much sealed my devotion for her right there and then! (GREAT TASTE)

But getting to the point - I do not watch The 100 anymore, even though pretty much everyone I worship online does. The reasons:

  • Netflix didn't have Season 2.
  • By the time I realized I had Xfinity TV (gosh, I probablykiss that thing once a day - IT'S BEAUTIFUL), it was on Season 3 already; Season 2 wasn't even available On Demand anymore (TAKING BACK KISSES) and I had to pay. If you didn't know already, I am a broke bunny.
  • It was, er, a little too scary, if you know what I mean. I'm the kind of girl who doesn't get nightmares, but still gets really freaked out by shows like The 100 because she hates when anything jumps out at her suddenly. (Also gets freaked out by books like The 5th Wave because the 1st wave hit a little too close to home - half a million people died just because the electricity went out.)

Basically, the point of this post is to tell you that The 100 is an amazing show for people who aren't scaredy-cats like me. Really. The cast all aren't afraid to get gritty and dirty and bloody, and I really admire that. Also, there's a lot of interesting relationships between the characters, as well as a lot of risk-taking and sometimes backstabbing. And this is all coming just from my observations on Tumblr and watching only Season 1! So if you're a normal person, watch it if you haven't already. Plus, you know there's someone out there like you if you do get freaked out - we can freak out together! :)


  1. I love this show! And I ship Bellarke so much! But you're right, if you are a person that gets kind of scared easily, you shouldn't watch this, because it only gets worse after season 1.

    BTW, I tried to follow you on bloglovin, but it didn't let me, it said the page couldn't be found:(

    Sofia @ Bookish Wanderess

    1. Yeppp. My best friend watches it, and I don't understand how she doesn't go off screaming. Oh well.
      And I'm so sorry for the Bloglovin' thing! I'm totally going to fix that soon! Thanks for trying to follow me, it's definitely the thought that counts! :)

  2. See, I'm an odd duckling - I don't ship Bellarke! I, too have only seen the first season, so maybe something in the second season will change my mind (...whenever I get around to watching it. This show is intense and I'm not always up for that. And definitely noooooo watching before bed because I DO get nightmares rather easily). In fact, I don't really get any swoons...except for Jasper/Monty. They need to be a couple. They are adorable and by far my favourite characters. It's a hard life always loving side characters the most haha

    1. JasperxMonty is totally a ship I would get behind! I agree - loving side characters is hard, especially if they're bound to get killed in a show like The 100. Or who knows? Maybe they kill off Clarke and leave the side characters? I heard that Clarke meets this Lexa (Alicia Debnam-Carey)? girl in season 2..... What if you ship them? The 100 is an interesting show, for sure!

  3. Beeeellllllaaaarrrrkkkkeeeee!!!!! I'm currently trying to catch up on season three and I definitely see where you're coming from. Everyone's getting stabbed and radiation mutations and it can get pretty gross at times. (Also, while season two was better than season one, season three has been really lacking for me.)


(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)