
Review: Across The Universe

by - 1:36 PM

Across The Universe

Across The Universe

by Beth Revis
My rating: ✰✰✰✰ (3.5 but I round up cuz I'm kewl :)
Amy is a cryogenically frozen passenger aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed. She expects to wake up on a new planet, 300 years in the future. But fifty years before Godspeed's scheduled landing, Amy's cryo chamber is unplugged, and she is nearly killed.
Now, Amy is caught inside an enclosed world where nothing makes sense. Godspeed's passengers have forfeited all control to Eldest, a tyrannical and frightening leader, and Elder, his rebellious and brilliant teenage heir.
Amy desperately wants to trust Elder. But should she? All she knows is that she must race to unlock Godspeed's hidden secrets before whoever woke her tries to kill again.

WOW. WOW. This book is definitely making me feel some odd feelings.
> Things That I Did Like:
  • The world-building. There could've been more, but the world - imagine being frozen for 300 freaking years! This book definitely explores some interesting topics...
  • The twist at the end - you'll see. It explains a lot, and probably saved this book from being 3 stars.
  • THE POTENTIAL. From reading the summary, I'm sure you can see what I mean. You could expand in so many directions from this base idea! I'm not sure if the way Beth Revis expanded was exactly for me, but really. Lots of potential.
> Things That I Didn't Like:
  • The character development could've been improved on so much.
  • CHEMISTRY. It has to do with character development, but Amy and Elder? I didn't feel any chemistry! They pretty much only liked each other because they were reasonably attractive to each other and weren't complete [Show]
  • Even though I liked how the ending cleared things up, I also didn't really like how sudden it was. I have a feeling the author meant for it to be this way so readers will want the sequel, but I think she could've allotted and gave clues to the ending. Why did [Show] There was no backstory!

Anyway, this book really delved into some dark topics. The ship is doomed! Just kidding. (Am I?) They have resourceful Amy and responsible Elder!

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  1. I REALLY WANT TO READ THIS. Mostly because I don't read enough sci-fi and I feel like this is a YA book most people should at least try, right!? I see it everywhere. Faaaamous. Hehe. Pity about the character development/attraction. That can really make or break a story I think. Wah. ANYWAY!! It's on my to-do list for this year. :P
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Really? You see this anywhere? I don't..... probably because it was published a WHILE ago. Basically, I liked Amy well enough but there were some whiny decisions on her part. I think I'm just really apathetic to family ties, especially since we didn't get much development ON family (her parents are frozen too but they don't wake at the same time as her) so I didn't really empathize with how much she felt over her parents. Oh well. Its sci-fi aspects are pretty cool!

  2. I remember really liking this book when I read it in 2011! I hadn't read a lot of YA sci-fi, so it was new and interesting :D I remember that some parts annoyed me, but I have no memory of them now, haha XD

    I'm glad you liked it! And if you read the sequel, I hope it is enjoyable! I kind of want to re-read it so that I can finish the series, but I am terrible at finishing series, haha.

    I'm super sad about the cover changes, though D:

    1. Yeah! The cover changes are not as good! I suck at finishing series, too! I didn't finish Daughter Of Smoke And Bone, or the Raven Boys.

  3. I don't read a lot of sci-fi but this does sound interesting. I'll try to find a copy, maybe it'll remind me to try out more sci-fi so I'm a well-rounded reader or something..? Thanks for the awesome review!

    1. Aww thanks for calling my review awesome! You do not need to read sci-fi to be a well-rounded reader! Or if you do, you can be more well-rounded than you already are! < (that didn't make any sense, did it?)

    2. It did! Have you been tweaking your blog? I love the fish, they're so cute!

    3. Uh, YES. It's been going through MAJOR renovations. You never know what you're going to get! Also I removed the fish because i think they're a bit blurry. However, here's the link! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/55/74/b3/5574b34f588c9d6cb9cf55f2c86e2fc0.jpg
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. I attempted to read this book last year, but I never really got into it. The characters and their development was an issue to me at the time too. There was just so much more Beth Revis could've done! But I think I might hold off complete judgment until I've actually finished the whole series. XD I think your review was just the motivation I needed to try this book out again!

    1. Aw! It touches my heart that my review made someone feel motivation! MY GOAL HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED! I need to read the rest of the series too - unfortunately my TBR is like 10 big books tall, which is a LOT for me! And I cannot get into TRB or ADSOM!

  5. This book has been on my TBR forever, and this review definitely makes me want to move it up the list. Any book that has great world-building and a twist I can't predict is surely a winner in my book. Too bad the characters didn't have a lot of chemistry though. Ah well. Nice review!

    1. Thanks! The whole premise for the book is totally uniquely sci-fi! I'm glad you liked my review!

  6. Oh, I've heard about Beth Revis but this is the first review of her books that I've seen! I adore the premise SO MUCH that I'm tempted to add it to the TBR ... but I absolutely hate first books with endings that are obviously setting up a sequel.

    Thank you for dropping by The Devil Orders Takeout!

    1. Thanks for commenting! *starts squealing because well FABULOUSNESS IS HERE* You should totally add it to the TBR at least, because I'm not sure if it was setting up a sequel THAT much (well the ending was awfully abrupt), but isn't the concept so cool? I think everyone should at least try it - maybe my opinion will be different than yours! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I've seen this book for a while now, but haven't been able to pick it up! I want to read it soon though. Great review! :D

  9. "I have a feeling the author meant for it to be this way so readers will want the sequel..." < UGH I HATE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS. I also kind of have a fear of doing this myself (oops) and I hope that I don't when I eventually write a book that I know is going to have a sequel. (WOWWWW ALMOST WROTE "SQUEAL" YUP. THAT ACTUALLY. DESCRIBES MY LIFE BETTER. XD)

    peace and waffles,


(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)

Friday, February 26, 2016

Review: Across The Universe

Across The Universe

Across The Universe

by Beth Revis
My rating: ✰✰✰✰ (3.5 but I round up cuz I'm kewl :)
Amy is a cryogenically frozen passenger aboard the vast spaceship Godspeed. She expects to wake up on a new planet, 300 years in the future. But fifty years before Godspeed's scheduled landing, Amy's cryo chamber is unplugged, and she is nearly killed.
Now, Amy is caught inside an enclosed world where nothing makes sense. Godspeed's passengers have forfeited all control to Eldest, a tyrannical and frightening leader, and Elder, his rebellious and brilliant teenage heir.
Amy desperately wants to trust Elder. But should she? All she knows is that she must race to unlock Godspeed's hidden secrets before whoever woke her tries to kill again.

WOW. WOW. This book is definitely making me feel some odd feelings.
> Things That I Did Like:
  • The world-building. There could've been more, but the world - imagine being frozen for 300 freaking years! This book definitely explores some interesting topics...
  • The twist at the end - you'll see. It explains a lot, and probably saved this book from being 3 stars.
  • THE POTENTIAL. From reading the summary, I'm sure you can see what I mean. You could expand in so many directions from this base idea! I'm not sure if the way Beth Revis expanded was exactly for me, but really. Lots of potential.
> Things That I Didn't Like:
  • The character development could've been improved on so much.
  • CHEMISTRY. It has to do with character development, but Amy and Elder? I didn't feel any chemistry! They pretty much only liked each other because they were reasonably attractive to each other and weren't complete [Show]
  • Even though I liked how the ending cleared things up, I also didn't really like how sudden it was. I have a feeling the author meant for it to be this way so readers will want the sequel, but I think she could've allotted and gave clues to the ending. Why did [Show] There was no backstory!

Anyway, this book really delved into some dark topics. The ship is doomed! Just kidding. (Am I?) They have resourceful Amy and responsible Elder!


  1. I REALLY WANT TO READ THIS. Mostly because I don't read enough sci-fi and I feel like this is a YA book most people should at least try, right!? I see it everywhere. Faaaamous. Hehe. Pity about the character development/attraction. That can really make or break a story I think. Wah. ANYWAY!! It's on my to-do list for this year. :P
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. Really? You see this anywhere? I don't..... probably because it was published a WHILE ago. Basically, I liked Amy well enough but there were some whiny decisions on her part. I think I'm just really apathetic to family ties, especially since we didn't get much development ON family (her parents are frozen too but they don't wake at the same time as her) so I didn't really empathize with how much she felt over her parents. Oh well. Its sci-fi aspects are pretty cool!

  2. I remember really liking this book when I read it in 2011! I hadn't read a lot of YA sci-fi, so it was new and interesting :D I remember that some parts annoyed me, but I have no memory of them now, haha XD

    I'm glad you liked it! And if you read the sequel, I hope it is enjoyable! I kind of want to re-read it so that I can finish the series, but I am terrible at finishing series, haha.

    I'm super sad about the cover changes, though D:

    1. Yeah! The cover changes are not as good! I suck at finishing series, too! I didn't finish Daughter Of Smoke And Bone, or the Raven Boys.

  3. I don't read a lot of sci-fi but this does sound interesting. I'll try to find a copy, maybe it'll remind me to try out more sci-fi so I'm a well-rounded reader or something..? Thanks for the awesome review!

    1. Aww thanks for calling my review awesome! You do not need to read sci-fi to be a well-rounded reader! Or if you do, you can be more well-rounded than you already are! < (that didn't make any sense, did it?)

    2. It did! Have you been tweaking your blog? I love the fish, they're so cute!

    3. Uh, YES. It's been going through MAJOR renovations. You never know what you're going to get! Also I removed the fish because i think they're a bit blurry. However, here's the link! https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/55/74/b3/5574b34f588c9d6cb9cf55f2c86e2fc0.jpg
      Thanks for commenting!

  4. I attempted to read this book last year, but I never really got into it. The characters and their development was an issue to me at the time too. There was just so much more Beth Revis could've done! But I think I might hold off complete judgment until I've actually finished the whole series. XD I think your review was just the motivation I needed to try this book out again!

    1. Aw! It touches my heart that my review made someone feel motivation! MY GOAL HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED! I need to read the rest of the series too - unfortunately my TBR is like 10 big books tall, which is a LOT for me! And I cannot get into TRB or ADSOM!

  5. This book has been on my TBR forever, and this review definitely makes me want to move it up the list. Any book that has great world-building and a twist I can't predict is surely a winner in my book. Too bad the characters didn't have a lot of chemistry though. Ah well. Nice review!

    1. Thanks! The whole premise for the book is totally uniquely sci-fi! I'm glad you liked my review!

  6. Oh, I've heard about Beth Revis but this is the first review of her books that I've seen! I adore the premise SO MUCH that I'm tempted to add it to the TBR ... but I absolutely hate first books with endings that are obviously setting up a sequel.

    Thank you for dropping by The Devil Orders Takeout!

    1. Thanks for commenting! *starts squealing because well FABULOUSNESS IS HERE* You should totally add it to the TBR at least, because I'm not sure if it was setting up a sequel THAT much (well the ending was awfully abrupt), but isn't the concept so cool? I think everyone should at least try it - maybe my opinion will be different than yours! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I've seen this book for a while now, but haven't been able to pick it up! I want to read it soon though. Great review! :D

  9. "I have a feeling the author meant for it to be this way so readers will want the sequel..." < UGH I HATE IT WHEN THIS HAPPENS. I also kind of have a fear of doing this myself (oops) and I hope that I don't when I eventually write a book that I know is going to have a sequel. (WOWWWW ALMOST WROTE "SQUEAL" YUP. THAT ACTUALLY. DESCRIBES MY LIFE BETTER. XD)

    peace and waffles,


(unless you don't want to. or if you're not american. or young. or dope.)